According to recent reports, Telegram has decided to auction usernames for 700 million users. It will do this with the help of its blockchain-based platform. Read the entire article to learn more about this news.
Pavel Durov’s statements
Mr. Durov initially said that extending the auction to user names for the messaging app earlier this year, writing to his followers on the platform that the auction could cover usernames, groups, and channel names. “This would create a new platform where username holders could transfer them to interested parties in protected deals – with ownership secured on the blockchain via NFT-like smart contracts,” he wrote. “Other elements of the Telegram ecosystem, including channels, stickers, or emoji, could later also become part of this marketplace.”
“If TON has been able to achieve these results, imagine how successful Telegram with its 700 million users could be if we put reserved @ usernames, group, and channel links for auction,” Durov wrote. He added that ownership of these usernames would be “secured” on the blockchain akin to NFTs. He also mentioned that other elements of Telegram such as stickers, channels, or even emojis could also go up for auction.
“The development phase is almost over, and the auction platform will be launched soon,” said Telegram in a blog post.
About Telegram
Telegram is one of the most popular instant messaging apps in the whole world. It is considered to be one of the safest and most secure apps for text, sending videos, and doing many other things. The app is really fast, which helps people convey their messages to others as fast as possible.
The interesting and fun thing about this app that makes it stand out is its customization options. The users can decide the theme, the wallp[apaer and many such things which give the app a personal touch.
Another feature that seems to be very useful is the editing feature. Many times, people happen to make some mistakes while typing and realize it only after they have sent the text. Thank to telegram, the app lets you edit your text without any hassle so you don’t have to feel embarrassed.
About Pavel Durov
Telegram is founded and headed by Pavel Durov. He is one of the richest people in the world. He continues to be an inspiration and idol for many aspiring youngsters. Telegram is giving tough competition to other popular apps such as Facebook and Whatsapp.