It will be very difficult to find a successful company today that has not seen some very tough times. A lot of some very big stories that we hear today are actually companies which have risen from the ashes.
The life of an entrepreneur is tough. For an entrepreneur,almost every day is a walk on the tight rope ! Trying to balance it all and hold it all together ! But sometimes an entrepreneur is faced with some very tough times. Times when everything seems to be falling apart. Times when the world believes that your venture is a lost cause.However it is times like these that give way to innovation. To finding out newer ways of doing things. To recreating the company.To rise from the ashes !
At Techstory, we bring you The Capsule Project. The Capsule Project will bring stories of companies and people that survived and made it big against all odds.Stories of how belief and only belief of few individuals gave rise to the mega giant companies that we see today ! We hope these stories will keep you going in your tough times and will inspire you to keep on believing in yourself when no one else does !
Enjoy your dose of Inspiration Capsule every Monday morning ! Happy Reading !
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