After the Ultimatum by Elon Musk, many employees resigned and the platform offices shut its offices. Elon Musk said about the situation that he was not worried because the best is staying.
“Because of mass resignation, Twitter shuts its offices.” After an hour later of shutting its offices, Musk replied “The best people are staying, so I’m not super worried” to a Twitter user who tweeted “What do people mean when they say Twitter is gonna shut down? Doesn’t it kinda run itself? feel like engineers are for changes not to just keep running. also don’t know anything. Hey, @elonmusk wanna do a Twitter space with me? I’m confused.”
A few days ago Elon had given an ultimatum to its employees that proposed to commit to the company’s new “hardcore” rule for the work environment and left an option for those who do not want to follow, could just leave the company. As per the report, many employees haft the company which resulted in the closing some of its offices.
In a workplace app “Blind” poll that verifies employees by their work email that allows employees to share information secretly where 42% of the employees choose an answer for “Taking exit option, I’m free!” From 180 people.
1/4th of them said that they had chosen to say “reluctantly,” and from the poll participant only 7 % of them said that they “clicked yes to stay, I’m hardcore”
Till now it is unclear how many of them choose to stay in the company. One current and a recently deployed employee said to their workmate who worked together said Musk was meeting and trying to convince some of the top employees to stay in the company.
In another tweet after the termination, Elon Musk declared that Twitter just beat an all-time high in usage.
“And … we just hit another all-time high in Twitter usage lol,” he tweeted.
Twitter’s journey so far:
Musk, the world’s richest person, has come under blaze for extreme changes at Twitter, which he purchased for $44 billion late last month.
After acquiring Twitter, he fired top executives including the previous Twitter CEO himself. He also fired many employees, around 7500 staff, terminated work from home policy, and even introduced long office hours to complete the remaining work for the new Twitter.
He introduced new subscription-based plans for twitter verified blue check mark. Users were made to pay a premium for the blue tick for Twitter. The plans started from $8 per month.
After that Tumblr which is also a micro-blogging platform mocked Twitter for this decision of paid blue tick. Many users also criticized Twitter for their decision of implementing paid verification. The company mocked Twitter by saying that Tumblr will provide 2 blue check marks for $8 which is a one-time payment.
Tumblr does not have any verification process or verified accounts before due to this it is really hard for users to know if it’s a real account or a fake account of a big personality.
After the takeover of Twitter, many advertising brands also stop their paid advertising on Twitter. Some popular celebrities also shifted their attention to the search for an alternative to Twitter.