The government of India have now blown the Vivo investigation that has been taking place for the past few months wide open. According to the latest update, two people from China, helped the company in creating an official subsidiary for Vivo. However, the report goes on to say that the duo of Chinese men equipped fake documents and papers of two chartered accounts and a single company secretary. This was first revealed by the Economic Times.
The subsidiary that was created is called ‘Grand Prospect International Communications’. The company is the official distributor of all of Vivo’s consumer electronics in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
The company that used the forged papers received the official green light from three officials even though they knew that the papers that were submitted were not authentic and was mired with incorrect details.
Reports have also stated the trio submitted the forged papers with incorrect details for the two Chinese men who are ‘Zhenghsen Ou ‘and ‘Zhang Jie’ to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs which is an agency of the government of India.
The economic department of the police force of Delhi also received a complaint at the end of last year about this same issue from the Deputy Registrar of Companies which is an office that is part of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
The Enforcement Directorate, over the past few months have made visits to close to 50 different outlets of Vivo all across the country, including their distribution partner in Jammu and Kashmir as part of their investigation.
Vivo even came to say that they have been complying with the entire investigation and will continue to do so and even denied any kind of wrongdoing.
The Foreign Ministry of China has even come out to say that they have been closely watching everything that is unfolding in the country with the investigation and they wish that everything can go on smoothly and end quickly so that the company can go on with their regular operations.
A representative of the ministry even came out to say that this investigation is not only impeding the company from doing regular business, but it is also damaging the name and reputation of the company which is not good for the growth of the company in the country and hopes that it will all finish quickly and even voiced that they will support the company.