Zerodha’s investment fund, recently invested an amount of Rs 2.7 crore in Qshala, a learning/slash platform for kids. The platform was founded in 2014 and also has the Limca award for conducting quizzes.
About the platform Qshala
Qshala is a creative learning platform for kids that conducts quizzes for interactive learning. They aim to help children get answers to all basic questions. And gain knowledge that they can’t get from the school curriculum. The founder of the platform, Raghav Chakravarty, said:
“Our team members undertake extensive research to create content for the QShala programs. In the form of fun induced formats like quizzes, focused sessions, and interactive programs to help sharpen life skills. Our programs start with children from class 1 onwards, and our goal is to expand our footprint to many more cities across the country and the world to cover children in the age groups of 8 to 16 years”
The startup won the Limca award for being the first platform to conduct quizzes in all the 7 continents of the world. So, yes, the company has achieved some feats that definitely attracted the investor’s attention.
Thoughts of the investors
With so many ed-tech startups like Udemy and Unacademy on the rise, Qshala brings something different to the table. Therefore, it is evident why they have received good funding through angel investors.
Nithin Kamath, Founder & CEO, Zerodha, said, “It is important for children to develop critical and lateral thinking from a young age much beyond their classroom framework in today’s world. We are rapidly moving towards subjective learning where they would need to build a skill set actually required for employability in the future,”
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