01 March, 2016, USA: Google’s most talked about vehicle,’ Google car’ hits the first spot of bother as the vehicle hits its first crash. Though the accident was a minor one, but it happened when AI was in full control.
According to the report filed with the California DMV on February 23, company stated, “Its autonomous car, a Lexus SUV, was driving itself down El Camino Real in Mountain View. It moved to the far right lane to make a right turn onto Castro Street, but stopped when it detected sand bags sitting around a storm drain and blocking its path. It was the move to get around the sand bags that caused the trouble.”
“After a few cars had passed, the Google AV began to proceed back into the center of the lane to pass the sand bags. A public transit bus was approaching from behind. The Google AV test driver saw the bus approaching in the left side mirror but believed the bus would stop or slow to allow the Google AV to continue. Approximately three seconds later, as the Google AV was re-entering the center of the lane it made contact with the side of the bus,” company stated further.
The investigating officer said that the at the time of impact the car was going at a speed of 2 mph and the bus was traveling at a speed of 15 mph. No injuries have been reported however, both the vehicles have suffered minor damages.
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