When it comes to Pokemon Go, taking on Heatran, the Legendary Fire and Steel dual-type Pokemon, is a serious challenge. To catch this rare Pokemon, you’ll need to team up with other strong trainers and tackle Heatran in its Five-Star Raid.

A Heatran raid guide for Pokemon GO is crucial to help you defeat this incredibly powerful Fire- and Steel-type creature during the upcoming five-star raids. You’ll have the chance to battle Heatran in legendary raids from Thursday, February 22, 2024, through Friday, February 23, 2024, at 10 am local time.
Recommended Group Size
Ensuring you have the right number of players is key to success in this Raid. For Heatran’s Five-Star Raid, you’ll want a group of three to five Trainers to stand a good chance. Coordinating with others or inviting them remotely is essential to meet this minimum player count. Trying to take on Heatran with fewer than three Trainers will be extremely tough, if not impossible, especially if you’re going solo.
Boost Your Power
Boosting the power of your Pokemon through Mega Evolution or Primal Reversion can significantly enhance your chances in Raid battles. This boosts the strength of your Pokemon and makes your attacks more effective, especially if they match certain types.
Heatran: Strengths And Weaknesses
In battles against Heatran, using the right attack types is crucial. Ground-type attacks are your best bet as Heatran is doubly weak to them. Fighting and Water-type attacks also work well, dealing increased damage despite Heatran’s standard weakness to them.
Matching your Pokemon’s attacks to their types gives you a Same Type Attack Bonus, increasing your damage output. Avoid using Pokemon with Normal, Flying, Psychic, Dragon, Poison, Bug, Steel, Grass, Ice, and Fairy-type attacks as these will deal reduced damage due to Heatran’s resistances. It’s worth noting that Heatran has a double-resistance to Poison, Bug, Steel, Grass, Ice, and Fairy-type attacks, so steer clear of these types.
Can You Solo Defeat Heatran?
Yes, it’s possible to solo defeat Heatran even if you’re the only one attacking it in a raid. If you can’t defeat it in one go, multiple attempts will help you take it down eventually.
Heatran: Best Counter Picks
With its Fire and Steel dual-typing, Ground-type Pokemon with Ground-type attacks are your best bet against Heatran. Water and Fighting-type Pokemon also perform well. Here are the top 25 counter picks for this specific Five-Star Raid, along with their ideal attack combinations:
- Primal Groudon: Mud Shot (Fast Attack), Precipice Blades (Charged Attack)
- Shadow Garchomp: Mud Shot (Fast Attack), Earth Power (Charged Attack)
- Mega Swampert: Mud Shot (Fast Attack), Earthquake (Charged Attack)
- Shadow Mamoswine: Mud-Slap (Fast Attack), High Horsepower (Charged Attack)
- Landorus: Mud Shot (Fast Attack), Earth Power (Charged Attack)
- Shadow Feraligatr: Water Gun (Fast Attack), Hydro Cannon (Charged Attack)
- Shadow Nidoking: Double Kick (Fast Attack), Earth Power (Charged Attack)
If you don’t have access to these specific Pokemon, other strong Ground-type Pokemon will suffice as long as you have enough players in your group.
Equip your team with the knowledge and strength needed to conquer Heatran in Pokemon GO. Coordinate with fellow Trainers, select your best counter picks, and strategize your approach to emerge triumphant in the fiery battle against this legendary Pokemon. With determination and skill, you’ll seize the opportunity to add Heatran to your collection.