This article focuses on how to catch all Titan Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Players may capture Titan Pokemon by visiting their trampling grounds once defeated. Unlike Totem Pokemon found in Pokemon Sun and Moon, the Titan Pokemon from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, which serves as the boss battle, can be caught alongside the rest of that species Pokemon. The catchable Titan versions of Iron Talon and Big Tusk are unique, in that they enable players to catch and use the Titan Pokemon long before they are commonly found in the wild.

Although the Titan Pokemon are uncatchable in their boss battles throughout the storyline in The Way of Legends, players are allowed to return to their starting locations to catch these ex-Titan Pokemon. Shiny Locks includes your second encounter with a Titan Pokemon in its normal-sized form, so you will, unfortunately, be unable to Shiny Hunt for the Shiny Former Titan. If you go back to where you first encountered the Titans after that, you should be able to find them there, ready to be rematched, at which point the Titans may be caught.
Once you defeat Pokemon Scarlet, you can go back to the locations where you encountered each Titan. The first thing you will have to do is defeat a Titan in your first encounter on The Way of Legends. Once you encounter the Titan pokemon the second time, you will have to have a dialogue with him, and he will be ready to fight.

Then, if you want to capture the next Titan, which you should do since this is your first meeting with a Scarlet Pokemon and Violet Paradox Pokemon, you will be able to find him standing in the middle of an open area on the west side of Asado Desert. The trickiest part is getting the next Titan, since you have to physically interact with it in order to begin battling, and the Pokemon spends most of its time rolling through the desert. You can find Bombirdier in the central Pokemon Center of the Western province, near where you encountered the version of his Titan.
It is worth noting that Orthworms ex-Titan is the first Paradox Pokemon that can be caught in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and is the only one found outside Area Zero. The intimidating Titan Pokemon are all guarding Herba Mystica, the object another trainee named Arven is chasing, so your task is to hunt down each one of them and defeat them in battle. The battles will go on just like the ones from Big Tusk, including what Pokemon another student named Arven assists and which abilities you gain.