This article focuses on how to get Nihilego in Pokemon Go. Nihilego is one of many Ultra Beasts to make an appearance within the game, and you will get the opportunity to catch one, briefly. Nihilego is considered to be a specific type of Legendary Pokemon known as Ultra Beasts. Nihilego is a Rock-type Pokemon, possessed by Poison, in Pokemon GO, classified as a type Ultra Beast of the Alola region, which would show up during Raids.

A Rock/Poison-type Pokemon in-game, Pokemon Nihilego is a significantly strong Pokemon and is available in 5 Star Raids during the GO Fest 2022, which runs from 10 AM – 6 PM local time. To catch Nihilego during GO Fest 2022, Trainers must defeat him during difficult Raid Battles. Trainers will have to figure out which are the best counters for fighting Nihilego in order to take him down.
Once the GO Fest 2022 is over, players will need to wait for Pokemon Nihilego and his fellow Ultra Beasts to make an appearance again, most likely as Raid Bosses themselves. Check the Pokemon GO Fest Finale raid schedule for times when Nihilego and all of the other Ultra Beasts will appear at the raids.
Nihilego returned in Raids for Pokemon GO Fest 2022 Finale from August 27th at 10:00 AM-6 PM local time, so people got their second chance to catch Nihilego. It is not known when Nihilego will be returning to Raid Battles, but it should not be long as this is the going season for Pokemon GO at this point.

Nihilego will be available in-game for limited periods, fighting Nihilego on the Five Star Raid. Once he appears in Raid Battles again, the best way to defeat Nihilego is to use a Pokémon that has Steel, Water, or Mental attacks.
Any Pokémon with Ground-type attacks should do plenty of damage against Nihilego. All the best counters are Ground types, so Mega Latios likely is not going to offer the same-type Mega-Boost for any of your Raid Parties; however, being both Psychic and Dragon-type, she does not have the weaknesses that Symbionts from UB-01 could take advantage of.
Nihilego has respectable stats for an ultra league capped on CP, and a unique Poison/Rock typing makes Nihilegos extremely susceptible to Ground-type attacks. Nihilego would require a trio of Trainers to bring Nihilego down, because of his dual weakness to Ground types, being a Rock/Poison double-type. Since both Rock and Poison are weak to Ground-type attacks, they will combo out to deal x4 damage, making short work of Nihilego. The best counters for using Nihilego on Raids are powerful Ground-type Pokémon such as Ecadrill, Garchomp, and Landorus.
The four Elemental Weaknesses should give Trainers a lot of options for counters when taking Nihilego on Raids. The rock/poison-type Nihilego made its debut in the global Pokemon Go Fest 2022, where it was only available for 5-star Raid Battles for a single day.