In Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, players take on the role of Goku and other characters from the Dragon Ball Z series as they battle their way through various enemies and bosses. One of the most important aspects of the game is maintaining the health of your characters in order to take care of the enemies efficiently. In this article, we will discuss two ways to heal your characters: by resting at a campfire and by using a Vitadrink from your inventory.
Method 1: Resting at a campfire
One of the most effective ways to heal your characters in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is by resting at a campfire. Campfires can be found in various locations throughout the game, and they provide a safe and convenient way to heal your characters.
When you come across a campfire, simply interact with it and select the “Rest” option. Your character will then sit down and begin to heal. It’s usually a fairly quick process. The Rest method also regenerates the player’s Ki fully.
It’s important to note that resting at a campfire will also fully restore your character’s energy which is known as “Ki”, which is essential for performing special moves and abilities. Additionally, resting at a campfire will also grant your characters bonus experience points, which can be used to level up and improve their abilities.
Method 2: Using a Vitadrink from your inventory
Another way to heal your characters in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is by using a Vitadrink from your inventory. Vitadrinks are healing items that can be found throughout the game, and they provide a quick and easy way to restore your character’s health.
To use a Vitadrink, simply open your inventory and select the item. Your character will then consume the Vitadrink and their health will be restored. The amount of health restored will depend on the type of Vitadrink you are using, but they are usually quite effective.
It’s important to note that Vitadrinks can also be used to restore energy, but they do not grant bonus experience points like campfires do. Additionally, Vitadrinks can be used at any time, even during a battle, which makes them a useful item to have in your inventory.
When to use each method:
Both resting at a campfire and using a Vitadrink from your inventory are effective ways to heal your characters in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, but they are best used in combat situations or when the player is low on health while fighting.
Resting at a campfire is best used when you have the time and can afford to take a break from the action. It’s also a great way to restore your character’s energy, which is essential for performing special moves and abilities. Additionally, resting at a campfire will also grant your characters bonus experience points, which can be used to level up and improve their abilities.
On the other hand, using a Vitadrink from your inventory is best used when you’re in the middle of a battle and need a quick and easy way to restore your character’s health. They can also be useful when you are low on health and you are in the middle of a quest or exploring the game. They are usually accessible at any time, so you don’t have to wait until you find a campfire.
In conclusion, healing your characters in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is an essential aspect of the game, and there are two main ways to do it: by resting at a campfire and by using a Vitadrink from your inventory. Both methods are effective and have their advantages. You can also heal in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot by leveling up your character.