SEGA has revealed details of its game’s next five-year plan, which could include integrating NFTs into its next SuperGame. SEGA revealed more details about its five-year plan and may introduce NFTs after shelving its NFT pilot program last year, according to interviews posted by SEGA senior management members on its recruitment page. Sega has revealed its secret “Super Gaming” plans, and it looks like it’s not just one game, but multiple games, some of which will include cloud computing and NFTs. Sega executive vice president Shuji Uchikai said that the super game is not just a game, but will become a banner for the development of some versions in the future.

According to Sega Vice President Shuji Utsumi, “various titles” are being developed within this “frame” of Supergames, though each title can be very different from the next. According to Shuji Utsumi, some future releases will be “AAA titles covering the full spectrum of SEGA technology” and part of a broader five-year plan. It looks like there might be NFTs in some of these Supergames, as Segas producer Masayoshi Kikuchi explained in part of the interview. Yes, it looks like some of these “super games” might look like NFTs.
In interviews, several Sega producers and executives shared more details about their “SuperGame” initiative, which the company vaguely revealed late last year. In interviews, several segments of Segas producers and executives discussed his Supergame projects. In the same interview, Sega spoke more about his Supergame projects, confirming that it will be more than a game and some of them may include streaming and cloud gaming.

The “SuperGame” project was very vaguely introduced last year, but now Sega is back talking about it, stating that it believes that the future of video games lies in cloud gaming and NFTs, virtual objects that have a monetary value. and belong to someone by law. It appears that, like some other major video game publishers, Sega is also interested in adding NFTs to future games, as revealed in interviews with various executives and producers.
We have already seen companies such as Ubisoft interested in NFT technology and integration into their existing games bringing companies together. We’ve already seen examples of companies like Ubisoft trying but quickly failing, to integrate NFT into their existing games. Only time will tell how SEGA will try to integrate NFTs into its games and make it a benchmark for other gaming companies to follow.