When SpaceX was planning to launch Starship’s predecessor, the SN9, it had faced a lot of opposition from different sources. And now that it is planning to do a test flight of the SN9 once again, problems are not expected to be far away. A Business Insider report says that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has denied SpaceX’s application for a “test flight” launched on Wednesday. This is resulted in Musk talking about it vocally on Twitter.
Disagreement with the FAA
As the rocket was ready to launch, it didn’t. This was because of the FAA not giving approval to SpaceX. So Elon Musk raved about it on Twitter, bashing the Federal Aviation Administration or the FAA. Elon also said that the rules of the FAA are meant for just a few launches every year. And this is why following those rules means it is almost impossible for humans to reach Mars. Musk has always been vocal about what he feels, and the emotions seem to be on point right now. The launch was initially delayed due to technicalities a couple of times, and now it’s because of the FAA.
While Musk complained that FAA has been delaying the launch without any reason, the FAA said that they are working with SpaceX to fix all the issues. They also said that approval would be given to SpaceX once the safety issues are resolved. FAA also said that they are not slowing the launch intentionally. According to them, it’s their responsibility to keep the people safe, and so unless they assess the risk of the launch and discard all safety concerns, they can’t give approval.
SpaceX’s SN9 test flight launch
The SN8 launch was marvelous except for the landing party, which ended in a crash. So, it is obvious that we are expecting that the SN9 has a perfect test-flight. The important thing to note is that Starship is the only tech we have right now that’s under development to take humans to Mars. So, it is necessary for the government and other agencies to support the company. Slowing things down or restricting them won’t help. And as Elon said, humans won’t reach Mars.
As of now, the launch has been delayed, but whenever it does take place, there will be a live stream. So, you guys can follow the launch there. We will also keep you updated with all the major things about the launch.
What are your thoughts on SpaceX’s SN9 test flight delay due to the FAA? Who do you think is right here? Do let us know in the comments below. Also, if you found our content informative, do like it and share it with your friends.
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