Thanks to a cunning configuration adjustment that converts your burst weapons become fully automatic monsters, this assault rifle loadout has the potential to quickly become the dominant force in Modern Warfare 3. It’s that time of year when everyone is attempting to stay ahead of the curve, with millions of players worldwide starting the yearly CoD grind anew. Players are constantly searching for the early advantage, whether it is through next-level, load-outs or brilliant gaming strategies.
Just a few days after its debut, CoD content producer “FourEyes” seems to be setting the standard, having discovered the most potent Assault Rifle loadout to date. One that depends on a significant modification to a single, obscured menu setting in the game. This DG-58 loadout will let you dominate Modern Warfare 3 and top the scoreboards in every lobby, at least until potential nerfs break your momentum.
By choosing the DG-58 Assault Rifle, they may convert this three-round burst weapon into an almost fully automatic AR by making a single menu change. Just go into the game’s settings and choose Keyboard & Mouse or Controller as your preferred input method. Proceed to the Gameplay column, then choose Combat Behaviors, and finally navigate to the Combat Advanced Settings page. The “Manual Fire Behavior” option may be found here. To solve the problem, change this to the “Hold” option.
Now, all it takes to fire any sort of burst weapon is to hold down the trigger to keep the gun shooting rounds. This implies that you won’t have to manually time your shots and can instead concentrate on becoming more precise.
Here’s a brief rundown of how to adjust Modern Warfare 3’s settings:
- Access the Modern Warfare 3 configuration menu.
- Navigate to your input device (controller or keyboard and mouse).
- Go to the column on gameplay.
- Navigate down to the section on Combat Behaviors.
- Open the Fighting Advanced Settings window.
- Turn on “Hold” for the Manual Fire Behavior setting.
Additionally, be sure to use the following files, which FourEyes released on YouTube, for the complete DG-58 loadout.
- DG-56 LS18 Barrel
- MK. 3 Reflector Optic
- Soldier Pro Padded Stock
- SL Skeletal Vertical Underbarrel
- Shadowstrike Support Muzzle
By altering this setting and donning the aforementioned attachments, you ought to be able to “pinpoint accurately” melt opponents in no time.
You may utilize any materials that assist in stabilizing the DG-58, enhance accuracy, and reduce recoil before many of these attachments become usable once you unlock the weapon. In the end, there isn’t much you can do to boost the DG-58’s total damage, so if you’re seeking for pure damage, I suggest checking out the Battle Rifle section.
The key to using DG-58 precisely
Being precise and invisible to other players, as well as those on the radar, is essential for success while using the DG-58. You can stay constant and concealed while moving about the map with the aid of the Stalker Boots and Marksman Gloves. Though I think a fast stun makes targets much simpler to strike, players may choose between the deadly and tactical grenades. Additionally, since staying behind the front lines and taking down targets may quickly deplete your ammunition, I like to sprint with the munitions box.