In the captivating realm of LEGO Fortnite, unlocking advanced tools and resources is the key to surviving and thriving. One crucial step towards this is upgrading your Crafting Bench, a task that might seem daunting at first but is surprisingly manageable. Let’s dive into the details of how to achieve this upgrade seamlessly.
To upgrade your Crafting Bench in LEGO Fortnite, you’ll require two essential items: Planks and Shells. Planks are abundant, making them easily accessible. Shells, on the other hand, present a bit of a challenge. These elusive items drop from entities known as ‘Rollers,’ hidden enemies lurking beneath the ground.
Spotting Rollers isn’t a walk in the park, as they are concealed in the terrain. To face these foes, you must be equipped with a sword and a shield. Don’t forget to bring some food to sustain yourself in the battle. The Grasslands are a prime location to encounter Rollers, and as you explore, they might unexpectedly emerge from the ground.
Prepare for a defensive stance when a Roller appears, as they have a penchant for rolling towards you. Shield up, and once blocked, they expose their vulnerable shells. Seize this moment to strike, dealing maximum damage. It might take a couple of rounds, but each defeated Roller yields a precious Shell. To expedite the process, leave some vines around, as Rollers have a curious appetite for them.
Crafting Bench Upgrade
With eight Planks and three Shells in your inventory, return to your Crafting Bench. Click on the ‘Bench Upgrade’ tab, then hit ‘Upgrade.’ Watch as your character diligently improves the station, unveiling the power of an upgraded Uncommon Crafting Bench. This unlocks a new tier of items and buildings, catapulting your LEGO Fortnite experience to greater heights.
Unlocking uncommon tools through the upgraded Crafting Bench enhances your resource-harvesting capabilities. This, in turn, allows you to construct more structures and unlock additional stations. Timing is crucial, so upgrade your station at the earliest opportunity for an edge in the LEGO Fortnite world.
Building Your Crafting Bench
Before delving into the Crafting Bench upgrade, let’s outline the initial steps to build one from scratch:
- Gather Resources: Collect 3 Wood and 5 Granite while exploring the LEGO map. Wood comes from destroying various objects, while Granite appears as small grey brick pieces scattered across the ground.
- Build the Crafting Bench: Open the building menu (B on Xbox, Circle on PlayStation, or Q on PC), navigate to the Utility section, and select the Crafting Bench option. If you have the required resources, finalize the placement by pressing the build button again.
A handy tip is to construct your Crafting Bench under an existing structure or surround it with walls for added protection.
Utilizing the Crafting Bench
Now that your Crafting Bench is in place, interaction with it reveals a world of possibilities. Open the crafting menu to fashion tools, weapons, and structures essential for your LEGO Fortnite journey. Initially, you can create pickaxes to gather more resources, weapons for defense, and shelters for safety. As you explore further, additional crafting recipes will unlock, broadening your creative arsenal.
In the vibrant LEGO Fortnite world, establishing a Crafting Bench is the cornerstone of your survival strategy. Use it wisely to craft the gear needed for resource gathering, combatting enemies, and immersing yourself in the colorful tapestry of Fortnite’s LEGO universe. From battling Rollers to unlocking advanced tools, each step contributes to your success in LEGO Fortnite.Â