The latest technologies have brought the businesses to the battlefield of competition where they are striving hard to have the edge. To stand ahead in the crowd of the competitors, a business needs a high-quality software which is possible to ensure only with software testing.
Gone are the days when Software Testing was just a process to identify bugs and had less prominence. However, with the moving wheel of time, it has evolved and emerged as an industry which is still expandiang by leaps and bounds.
Testing trends like automation have already revolutionized the software testing world. Seeing this, we cannot deny the fact that the software testing industry will continue to grow and improvise. Till date, we can find many advancements in software testing industry which gives us the hint that it will evolve more.
Through this article, we will try to analyze the current software testing trends in market and the predictions about the scope of software testing market growth in the upcoming future.
Open Source will propel in the software testing industry
Open Source, in the present, has appeared as an alternative to the commercial tools for being available for free and accessible for customization as per the requirement. With this reliability, it is evident that the trend of Open Source has expanded to software testing and it will continue to grow.
Among the options available for Open Source Web Application Automation Testing, Selenium has gained more weightage because of its ability to allow creating the automated test scripts in different languages like Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript.
This will enable the organizations to choose the convenient programming language that is compatible not only with their app under test but also with the skills of the existing programming expertise. Moreover, with Selenium, organizations are developing customized frameworks by integrating other open source tools as per their testing needs.
The trend of Mobile adoption will be continuous
The technology has brought us the mobile phones which are now no less than a wallet in our pockets. We depend on mobile phones for most of our works like shopping, banking, learning etc. The mobile phones have eased the lives of not only a common layman but also of the businesses.
Through their respective apps, it is now possible for the businesses to reach their customers at any time. So, as the number of apps have risen, so does the need of testing.
In addition to this, with more and more applications in trend, the need to maintain them is flourishing. This means that the companies have to be on their toes to serve their customers with the best of the services. So, the very first thing which a company needs to impress its customers with is the performance of the app.
Your app must not take much time to start or in loading page as people have no time for slow performing app. If it does, your end user will lose interest in it and you will lose your end user. Thus, Performance Testing plays a vital role here to ensure that the app will be of high performance.
Furthermore, a customer is always concerned about losing his privacy. Because mobiles have become our wallets, these hold our financial and private information which if fall prey to cyber-attack, may create chaos. Moreover, we use plethora of apps which sometimes ask for getting access to our contact list, images, etc.
This also poses a threat of losing identity information to some hacker. Moreover, we are now living in the trend of digital payments where it becomes necessary to implement robust security testing to detect the loopholes in the app to prevent it from compromising on users’ data.
Another feature to make your customer happy is to have your mobile app up to mark in its compatibility. Delivering high quality app which is not compatible on different versions of mobiles is of no use.
The business must make the app to go through the compatibility testing phase to ensure that it will be supported on any version, platform and operating systems of random mobile phones.
Industry Specific Testing Needs Will Boom
Organizations which belong to industries such as banking, healthcare, retail, insurance and many more rely on software testing services providers to ensure that their respective software is of high quality. But the organizations expect their quality providers to hold the relevant domain or industry knowledge with regards to their application.
The reason is that if the testers have the domain knowledge prior, then they will be able to understand the terminology used in the application and perform testing appropriately. For example, if you take a banking application; testing its functionality “add beneficiary” becomes easy and efficient for tester when he already knows what is beneficiary and what you have to do to add a beneficiary.
Knowing the functionality in depth can make the testers to come up with different test scenarios to expose the defects which the functionality has. Ultimately, they will aim to making the software of high quality.
As like aforementioned reason, there are many other reasons which raise the need for having specific domain knowledge for testing an application for an industry like this pre-acquaintance to the domain will also save the time which would be otherwise consumed on transferring the knowledge to them.
Seeing the demand in the market, the independent software testing companies are equipping themselves with the domain expertise in the form of Subject Matter Expertise to bridge the gap of domain knowledge and testing the respective software for their testing team.
The business demands for Security Testing will increase in depth
We can find the impact of digitalization on almost every business now. As every organization is developing its own application in an efficient way to make the business run effectively. This digitalization is dragging them towards success on one hand but on the other hand, they are somewhere under the fear of being a cyber-attack victim. So, there is always security concerns for the data which is stored online.
In 2017 itself, we have witnessed a major cyber-attack Wannacry which has hampered many businesses globally. As businesses are at the risk of being attacked online, there is a demand for security testing of the applications for the sake of its prevention from any kind of vulnerability or security breaches.
More and more enterprises will look forward for rigorous security testing services which would aim at testing as well as remediating their mission-critical applications.
(Disclaimer: This is a guest post submitted on Techstory by the mentioned authors. All the contents and images in the article have been provided to Techstory by the authors of the article. Techstory is not responsible or liable for any content in this article.)
About The Author:
Venkatesh Akula, CEO of ClicQA, always had the fascination for technology and the way it has been revolutionizing the world.
Soon when he started his career 20 years ago, he has learnt the fact that technology not just simplifies people’s jobs but it also solves problems that people have.