The Internet provides quick access to all kinds of information and communication across the globe. It can be used for multiple purposes. Besides these, the Internet is also considered home to several internet threats. It is susceptible to cyberbullying, data theft, cyberattacks, impersonation, malware or hacking-based fraud, ransomware, and other cyber risks. To safeguard, in 2004 EU Safe Borders project introduced a day known as The Safer Internet Day. This initiative will create awareness for a safer and more responsible Internet environment.
✨Happy #SaferInternetDay! ✨
Let’s ensure that the voices of children and young people are heard on #SID2023 and all year through!
We have the power to promote positive changes “Together for a better internet”.
— Safer Internet Day (@safeinternetday) February 7, 2023
What is Insafe?
Insafe is a European organisation that promotes safer Internet use. In 2005, The Insafe network took over the day’s planning. Numerous organisations are involved in promoting the safe, responsible, and positive use of digital technology. The European network Insafe has multiple awareness centres worldwide that assist individuals in comprehending the significance of prioritising Internet safety.
Since 2004, Safer Internet Day has become an important date for awareness about Internet safety. Today, Safer Internet Day is observed in approximately 200 countries and territories across all continents, bringing the event’s traditional geographic reach to millions worldwide. In addition, national centres work closely with young people to ensure a multi-stakeholder, evidence-based approach to Internet safety. These centres also hold awareness and education campaigns. This year the theme of this special day is “Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online”.
Why do we celebrate it every year?
Many people worldwide now have made their habits of checking their social media accounts and browsing the Internet daily. As a result, Safer Internet Day gives people worldwide a chance to come together and set up projects to make the Internet safer, especially for kids. The internet must be addressed because it lets us learn, create, and connect, but it can also be challenging. As a result, remain shielded and vigilant.